
Maine -- Tax Deed Sale Information

Sale Details




State Laws

Maine Revised Statutes, Title 36, Part 2, Chapter 105, Subchapter IX, "Delinquent Taxes." The tax collector shall proceed to sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, so much of such real estate as is necessary to pay the tax due, in the case of each person assessed, If the bidding is for less than the whole, it shall be for a fractional part of the estate, and the bidder who will pay the sum due for the least fractional part shall be the purchaser (Sec. 1074).

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  1. Androscoggin County
  2. Aroostook County
  3. Cumberland County
  4. Franklin County
  5. Hancock County
  6. Kennebec County
  7. Knox County
  8. Lincoln County
  9. Oxford County
  10. Penobscot County
  11. Piscataquis County
  12. Sagadahoc County
  13. Somerset County
  14. Waldo County
  15. Washington County
  16. York County