Home Ownership Preparation Experts
The HOPE program helps make home ownership a reality for those who may have thought it to be impossible. HOPE, the Home Ownership Preparation Experience, is a unique program made possible by Strategic Passive Investments and the optimization experts at Credit Sense that creates a better path to buying a home - while also generating returns for investors like you.
How it works:
HOPE combines elements of owner financing with credit optimization. We help buyers “get their foot into the door” and start making payments on a home. Within three to five years, their credit is fundable and they have enough equity to qualify for a traditional mortgage.
- As an investor, you allow Strategic Passive Investments team to invest in a fix-and-flip opportunity on your behalf. The property is repaired and listed.
- A potential buyer is interested in purchasing the property but cannot qualify for a traditional mortgage and would need lease option or owner financing.
- Through Strategic Passive Investments, the buyer and seller will negotiate a price and other terms of sale, just like any other traditional purchase would be handled.
- Upon acceptance of the sale terms, the buyer will engage Strategic Passive Investments and CreditSense for a credit funding analysis, which will look at the buyer’s income and credit and will determine ways to optimize the buyer’s fundability in three to five years.
- Once the fundability analysis is completed and approved by Strategic Passive Investments and the investor, the buyer will pay a deposit of $3,000-$5,000. This deposit is paid to the fundability optimizer, CreditSense.
- Strategic Passive Investments oversees the timely payments toward the option/finance, which includes, but is not limited to, taxes, insurance and HOA fees.
- Upon fundability, Strategic Passive Investments facilitates contracts and negotiations with traditional lenders on behalf of the buyer, who at this point should have built up enough equity in the property due to the ongoing payments to the investor.
The entire process is reported to Strategic Passive Investments' client-investors. You can check on the deal’s progress at any time on our online client portal.

- At least 15% earned on acquisition, plus amortized interest accrual
- Occupied and cash flowed the day you buy
- Fair/non-predatory terms for occupant
- 8.5% – 9.5% amortized non-recourse terms
- 1– to 5-year terms (more if you wish)
- Sold to occupant = $3200
- 2-yr term @ 9.25% amortized = $35,174.04
- Monthly payment = $1465.59
- Total payments = $3,174.04
- Sold to investors = $24,000
- Gross cash on cash return = 46.6% or $11,174.04
- Annualized = 23.3%