
Nebraska  -- Tax Lien Sale Information

Sale Details

Yearly in March


3 Years

State Laws

Nebraska Revised Statutes, Chapter 77, Article 18, "Collection of Delinquent Real Estate Taxes by Sale of Real Estate," and Article 19 "Collection of Delinquent Real Estate Taxes Through Court Proceedings." The person who offers to pay the amount of taxes due on any real property for the smallest portion of the same shall be the purchaser, and when such person designates the smallest portion of the real property for which he or she will pay the amount of taxes assessed against any such property, the portion thus designated shall be considered an undivided portion. (Sec. 77-1807).

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  1. Adams County
  2. Antelope County
  3. Arthur County
  4. Banner County
  5. Blaine County
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  92. Wheeler County
  93. York County