New Hampshire

New Hampshire  -- No Sale, Sale Information

Sale Details

No Sales



State Laws

80:20-a Alternate Tax Lien Procedure. – In any town or city which adopts the provisions of RSA 80:58-86 for a real estate tax lien procedure as provided in RSA 80:87, the provisions of RSA 80 relative to tax sales shall not apply. In such municipalities, only a municipality, county, or the state where the property is located may acquire a tax lien against land and buildings for unpaid taxes, and tax sales to private individuals shall be prohibited.

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  1. Belknap County
  2. Carroll County
  3. Cheshire County
  4. Coos County
  5. Grafton County
  6. Hillsborough County
  7. Merrimack County
  8. Rockingham County
  9. Strafford County
  10. Sullivan County