North Dakota

North Dakota  -- Tax Deed Sale Information

Sale Details

Yearly in November



State Laws

North Dakota Century Code, Title 57, Chapter 57-28, "Rights of County When Lands Not Redeemed." Each parcel of land must be sold at auction to the highest bidder for no less than the minimum sale price as fixed before the sale. The sale may be made either for cash or one-fourth of the purchase price in cash, and the balance in equal annual installments over a period of not more than ten years. The purchaser may pay any or all annual installments with interest before the agreed due date of the installments. 2. If the sale is for cash, the purchaser shall promptly pay the amount bid to the county treasurer. 3. If the purchase price is to be paid in installments, the purchaser shall pay the first installment to the county treasurer and be given a contract for deed setting forth the terms of the sale. The contract for deed must be executed by the purchaser, the chairman of the board of county commissioners, and the county auditor. The contract must be in a form prescribed by the state tax commissioner. The contract must give the county the right to cancel the contract by resolution and due notice upon default by the purchaser. (Sec. 57-28-15)

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  1. Adams County
  2. Barnes County
  3. Benson County
  4. Billings County
  5. Bottineau County
  6. Bowman County
  7. Burke County
  8. Burleigh County
  9. Cass County
  10. Cavalier County
  11. Dickey County
  12. Divide County
  13. Dunn County
  14. Eddy County
  15. Emmons County
  16. Foster County
  17. Golden Valley County
  18. Grand Forks County
  19. Grant County
  20. Griggs County
  21. Hettinger County
  22. Kidder County
  23. LaMoure County
  24. Logan County
  25. McHenry County
  26. McIntosh County
  27. McKenzie County
  28. McLean County
  29. Mercer County
  30. Morton County
  31. Mountrail County
  32. Nelson County
  33. Oliver County
  34. Pembina County
  35. Pierce County
  36. Ramsey County
  37. Ransom County
  38. Renville County
  39. Richland County
  40. Rolette County
  41. Sargent County
  42. Sheridan County
  43. Sioux County
  44. Slope County
  45. Stark County
  46. Steele County
  47. Stutsman County
  48. Towner County
  49. Traill County
  50. Walsh County
  51. Ward County
  52. Wells County
  53. Williams County