West Virginia

West Virginia  -- Tax Lien & Tax Deed Sale Information

Sale Details

Liens: Yearly in Nov; Deeds: Yearly in Sept-Oct


18 Months

State Laws

West Virginia Code, Chapter 11A, "Collection and Enforcement of Property Taxes." The tax lien on each unredeemed tract or lot, shall be sold by the sheriff, at public auction to the highest bidder, between the hours of nine in the morning and four in the afternoon (Sec. 11A-3-2).

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  1. Barbour County
  2. Berkeley County
  3. Boone County
  4. Braxton County
  5. Brooke County
  6. Cabell County
  7. Calhoun County
  8. Clay County
  9. Doddridge County
  10. Fayette County
  11. Gilmer County
  12. Grant County
  13. Greenbrier County
  14. Hampshire County
  15. Hancock County
  16. Hardy County
  17. Harrison County
  18. Jackson County
  19. Jefferson County
  20. Kanawha County
  21. Lewis County
  22. Lincoln County
  23. Logan County
  24. McDowell County
  25. Marion County
  26. Marshall County
  27. Mason County
  28. Mercer County
  29. Mineral County
  30. Mingo County
  31. Monongalia County
  32. Monroe County
  33. Morgan County
  34. Nicholas County
  35. Ohio County
  36. Pendleton County
  37. Pleasants County
  38. Pocahontas County
  39. Preston County
  40. Putnam County
  41. Raleigh County
  42. Randolph County
  43. Ritchie County
  44. Roane County
  45. Summers County
  46. Taylor County
  47. Tucker County
  48. Tyler County
  49. Upshur County
  50. Wayne County
  51. Webster County
  52. Wetzel County
  53. Wirt County
  54. Wood County
  55. Wyoming County